CV has laid down a secure foundation through our knowledge and expertise in developing renewable energy power plant projects and promote sustainable business growth by invest in clean energy value chain-related business.

The company has a determination and intention to operate business based on sustainability along with world resources sufficiency as an important foundation by considering of stakeholder’s benefits in all aspects. CV’s businesses meet the world’ s requirement which are the effort of reducing greenhouse gas emission. Even though, the amount reduced is comparatively small, but we intend to begin from the standpoint where we are specialized and develop further on the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

CV’s Power Production and Distribution Business (Power Producer) has generated power from renewable energy. Currently, we have biomass power plant and industrial waste power plant. With our company’s power production process technology and design, the power plant is able to use waste from community (RDF from MSW) to produce electricity power. RDF fuel used in the power plant is the waste fuel that has been sorted only the parts that provides energy. As a result, it provides a higher efficiency in producing the electricity power than the combustion of unsorted waste. As for the biomass power plant, not only It can utilize agricultural residue, but also, help reduce PM 2.5 dust problem caused by a typical open burning of agricultural residue, and help generate income to farmers. As for the industrial waste power plant, we use RDF from non-hazardous industrial waste. This is also considered as a method of utilizing the refuse that help reduce problems of the country overall waste management. Therefore, electricity power production from the processed waste, RDF, significantly help reduce the problems of waste management.

Over the past few years, we have developed projects, conducted construction, and operated small power plants because we believe that the energy will be sustainable when we transform the resources existing in the communities (agricultural residue from nearby communities and community’s waste) into the electricity power used within community. The majority of operators who runs the power plant are also members, descendants of the locals. Distribution of small power plants in local areas will lead to supportive co-existence of power plant and community.

CV’s Fuel supply business (Fuel Supply) offers renewable energy power plants better access to clean energy fuel resources. In other words, we provide various types of fuel from biomass pellets which is suitable for long distance transports (such as export to oversea power plants), and RDF waste which help reduce the amount of non-biodegradable plastic waste accumulated in landfills. A landfill not only requires a spacious area, but also overflowing landfills will pose impacts on the environment including hygiene and methane gas emission caused by accumulation of organic waste.

Engineering business (Valued EPC) – Not only SBANG company group has been specialized and experienced in providing design and construction services of biomass power plant for over 17 years, but also provide construction services of electricity and steam generation power plant (Utility Plant ) in which the power plant uses pulverised biomass fuel as an alternatives to coal and fuel oil for industrial customers. This allows customers to reduce the amount of fossil fuel use (such as coal and fuel oil) and create value added of their products by reducing carbon footprints.

Meanwhile, the company also expand the capability of engineering by providing design and construction services of Modular System which corresponds with the global trend of Circular Economy, using resources in construction to its optimal utilization and maximum benefits along with recognizing the importance of its utility and reducing environmental impacts of construction and taking long-term use into consideration. The system meets the requirement in terms of cost of large construction, control of construction period and quality compared to traditional construction.

Driving Company’s Carbon Neutrality Goal

According to the company’s carbon footprint (CFO) evaluation in the year 2022 (in power production and distribution business), the SCOPE 1 & 2 greenhouse gas emission amount of the company is 53,333 TonCO2e which is not high compared to other renewable energy power produces and much lower than CFO value from producing electricity power by using fossil fuel. However, in the year 2023, the company has a strong commitment to further reduce CFO of the power production and distribution business by emphasizing on management to enhance efficiency of using biomass fuel and better-quality control of waste fuel (RDF) used in the power plant. Compared with 68,114 TonCO2e carbon credits of the company power plant, it can be seen clearly that the company carbon neutral goal is undoubtedly achievable.

CV Vision on business operation stated that “we will deliver value from renewable energy to global society for sustainability” ” implies that the world cannot be taken care by solely one organization, but it requires actions from all organization in all sectors by taking action from its own standpoint and expertise as well as collaborating and supporting each other. In this way, we will gain power and pose a significant influence on the country and the world.

On behalf of Clover Power PLC., I would like to express my gratitude to all shareholders, investors, partners, and stakeholders in all sectors for your continued trust and confidence in the company business operation.

Also, I would like to express my appreciation to the president and the company committees, executives and all employees for being part of management and operation that drives the company to achieve the goal as planned.

Mr. Saithsiri Saksitthisereekul
Chief Executive Officer